Monday, March 4, 2013


English lesson?
i love this thing a lot! it's not just cause as an international language so i have to understand and could use this language nicely, but it causes i interested for that. for long time i do the lesson, i met so many type of English's teacher..
they're nice but too calm, they're vicious but challenging, or they're teaching so slow and calm. for the criteria of English teacher i like is they who give me so many knowledge about English, have good pronounce in speak, have friendly performance so we enjoyed and more comfort, not boring, and could help their students in practice or question they didn't understand yet!
when i feel confused and difficult in some topic, there is my challenge! so i like to face it! cause it could help me want to learn more and more. so now, i love to learn this lesson.. if i could, i want to continue my English study to Wall Street Institute :D

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